What does it take to find your path in life, your “true north” and ultimately be successful? Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” I believe it takes courage to stumble through failure on your path to greatness, and courage is at the heart of making your dream a reality. Courage is both the ability to do something that frightens you and finding strength in the face of pain or grief. It sounds simple but let’s take a look at how to find and develop your courage, dare to follow your dream and find a job you love.
1. Know your gift – We are all born with a gift or talent and that is key to finding the right job for you. Here are a few questions to help you identify yours. What are you passionate about? What makes your soul sing? What makes you forget time when you are involved in it? It is okay if, in the beginning, you don’t feel like you have any artistic ability or you are naturally good at sports. Having an intense interest is what matters. Ask yourself, what would you do if you knew that you couldn’t fail or, better yet, what would you do even if you knew you might fail but want to try because you love it that much? What doesn’t feel like a job?
2. Make space – Are you: Constantly over extending? Involved in numerous activities that take you away from spending time on yourself? Spending hours mindlessly trolling Facebook? Watching television? Texting? Do you spend time with people who sap your energy or don’t support your dreams? Do you have difficulty saying no? For anything to grow there has to be space for it, much like planting seedlings in the ground. Without the proper amount of space, light, and nutrients, they won’t flourish and neither will you. Eliminate toxic relationships or people who do not add to your life. You know they are toxic if they leave you feeling anxious, unsure of yourself, sad, or generally exhausted. Stop spending time in places that are distractions. Take a hard look at how much time you spend doing things other than working on your goal/dream job. Start spending time with people who share your interests, visit places and attend events that are in line with your dream and goals and leave you feeling inspired, not exhausted. For additional tips on making space Yoga For a Better Mood and Better Body
3. Inner dialogue –What are you telling yourself you are capable of or deserve to have? Develop a daily practice of positive self-talk or affirmations related to your dream job or goal. Examples might be: “I am a successful artist making more money than I ever dreamed,” “I am a successful chef renowned for my cooking,” or “I have a thriving landscaping business.” We are a product of our thoughts and what we believe about ourselves. Your inner world is your creation. It can be positive and filled with support and love or it can be dark and discouraging. The choice is up to you.
4. Focus – It is estimated the average American reads approximately one book per year. Imagine if you read one book on your given subject or dream job a month. In 5 years you could be a virtual expert on the subject! Dedicate time each day to working on that dream or goal. You can also start by taking 5 minutes every morning and evening by writing on the subject. What can you write about that might make a difference? It only takes one spark to start a fire and one good idea can be a game changer.
5. Your team – Having a team of supporters who encourage you and support you is essential. What is perhaps as important as having actual people in your life who can provide you with this are the supports you can create in your mind. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between who/what is real in your memory and who/what is your own creation. Take some time to think about people who will give you unconditional love and support. These people do not have to be people you know. You can imagine a celebrity, a television character, a lost loved one, or even animals who will provide you with protection. Spend 10 minutes a day visualizing these people surrounding you and connect to what it physically feels like in your body to be in their presence. What words of encouragement do they have? What is it like to have that kind of energy around you? Practice this daily and this feeling will become part of you and you will be able to take your team on the road with you.