Do you feel hopeless, alone or stuck in a cycle of self-criticism? Have you had thoughts like:
“I hate myself and my life.”
“I can’t stop crying, what is wrong with me?”
“I know that I should be happy but I just don’ feel it.”
“I feel so alone, even though I am with a group of people.”
“I just want to sleep forever and be left alone.”
Do any of the statements above sound like you? Do you feel like you are in a fog that just won’t lift and you don’t know how to be happy? You may be suffering from depression and you are not alone. Roughly 19 million Americans suffer from depression and it is treatable. There may be a number of contributing factors including, genetics, environment, upbringing, challenging relationships, trauma or medical conditions that contribute to the way you feel.
Healing from Depression
We will work together, in a non-judgmental supportive environment where I will help you uncover what is getting in the way of living a vibrant life, filled with joy and connection. Many of my client’s feel relief in learning what is contributing to the way they feel and that there are mechanisms to change it. Through the process of therapy, and telling your story, I will teach you practices that can bring change and healing. We may utilize meditation, visualization, and mindful self-compassion to provide the space to help you change your thought patterns, limiting beliefs and long-standing behavior that don’t serve you.
While therapist or methods you have tried in the past may not have been a good fit, I am committed to helping you find an approach that is specific and works for you. Through the process of identifying and cultivating your strengths while strengthening your connection and love for yourself, your life can start to change for the better and I will be there to guide you along the way.
If you are hoping to finally lighten the weight you have been carrying around, I invite you to call me and see how I can help.